All About Multivitamins – Should You Give Your Kids Supplemental Vitamins?

All About Multivitamins – Should You Give Your Kids Supplemental Vitamins?

Find out what you need to know about multivitamins and your child’s health.

When it comes to keeping your kids healthy, it’s important that they get the right nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are an essential part of proper development for your child. Often, parents invest in multivitamins to help supplement their child’s diet so that they can ensure that their kids are getting the right nutrition. Most kids, however, don’t need to take supplementary vitamins. They usually are already getting the nutrition that they need. However, there are special circumstances when you should consult with your doctor about supplemental nutrition for your child. Here are a few circumstances that may warrant the use of extra vitamins, but remember to always consult with your pediatrician first.

Kids with Special Diets.

For one reason or another, your child’s diet may not be balanced enough to support proper nutrition. Whether your child is a picky eater, your family chooses to eat a vegetarian diet, or your child doesn’t eat very much, it’s important to talk to your child’s doctor about their eating habits. That way you can make any adjustments when it comes to giving your kids the nutrients that they need.

Kids Taking Certain Mediations.

Whenever your kids need to take medication, it’s a good idea to talk to their doctor about any special dietary requirements. In some cases, your kids may need to eat certain foods. In other cases, the medication may reduce their body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients. Talk to your doctor about whether supplemental vitamins can help your child get the right nutrition when taking these types of medications.

When it comes to your child’s health, ensure that they’re getting the right nutrition. It’s especially important that your child gets the right nutrients when having surgery. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our pediatric surgeons in Orange County are experts at protecting your kids’ health and wellness!

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