Prepare Your Child for Pediatric Surgery with These Tips

Prepare Your Child for Pediatric Surgery with These Tips

Find out why it’s important to prepare your child for surgery with these tips.

Surgery can be scary for patients of all ages. However, surgery can be especially frightening for children. Prior to pediatric surgery, it’s important to prepare your child. That way they’re better able to handle the situation. Depending on your child’s age and the type of procedure that they’re going to have, there are different ways to prep your child. However, in any case, it’s vital that you prepare. Check out what you need to know about how to best prepare your child for surgery with these tips.

Setting Real Expectations.

No matter how old your child is, it’s important that you communicate that they’re going to have a medical procedure done and that you set realistic expectations for your child. The manner through which you communicate these things depends on the age of your child. However, providing accurate information is key. When expectations differ from reality it creates more stress for your child. Therefore, always answer your child as truthfully and accurately as possible. If you don’t know the answer to something, ask your doctor.

Questions & Explanations.
After telling your child that they’re going to undergo surgery, it’s important that you answer their questions. However, it’s also important to be aware that your child may have questions or concerns that the either don’t want to communicate or are unable to communicate. Be sure to answer any questions that you child has with the correct information. However, it’s also important to cover the basics of the procedure with your kid. From anesthesia to pain to recovery procedures. Ensure that your explanation of your child’s surgery is thorough enough to set the right expectations and informative so that you child’s fears are lessened.

When it comes to pediatric surgery, it’s important to prepare your child for the procedure. Ensure that your child is in good hands with the right doctors. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our pediatric surgeons in Orange County are experts at protecting your kids’ health and wellness!

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