Reasons Your Kids Need Sleep

Reasons Your Kids Need Sleep Orange County CA

Sleep is vital to child development!

Sleep is vital to keep everyone healthy, but especially kids. When you sleep you give your body the necessary rest to help your body function. Sleep is especially important for children because children are constantly growing and developing.

Not all sleep is created equal. There are two types of sleep, Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement (REM). During NREM sleep, the body supplies extra blood to the muscles which helps contribute to growth and development. When REM sleep occurs, your brain becomes active while your body slows down. Your breathing becomes more shallow and you heart rate decreases.

The amount of sleep children need is determined by their age. Newborns need more sleep than a toddler. Check out these sleep tips to keep your children healthy.


The average infant needs between 10.5 to 18 hours of sleep per day. Try to get your baby to sleep at nighttime.


Infants ages four to eleven months should get 9-12 hours of sleep.  Make sure to create a consistent schedule so that your baby learns to sleep during the night.


Toddlers should sleep 11-14 hours per day. Encourage a nap time in the afternoon and stick to a consistent sleep schedule. You can even supply them with a security blanket.


Preschoolers (3-5 years old) should be getting between 11-13 hours of sleep per night. Slowly nap time will stop. Be wary around this age, as kids tend to sleepwalk and have lots of nightmares around this age.

School-aged kids

Once kids start school their sleep patterns generally require between 9-11 hours per night. As they get older the demands of school and social activities tends to keep them busy. Avoid caffeine and excess sugar and make sure to limit TV and computer usage right before bed.

Keep your kids healthy. But in the event that they need medical attention, entrust their health to an expert pediatric surgeon in Orange County, CA. Be sure to contact Pediatric Surgical Associates to protect your child’s health, and wellness!

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