10 Ways to Show Love For Your Children This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love for those you care around you, including your children. Set a good example of how to express love positively this year. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has compiled several ways to show love for your children this Valentine’s Day.

1. Be positive and encouraging with your child. Avoid using sarcasm, put-downs and mockery as a parent. Children often don’t understand, and if they do, these negativity can create negative ways of talking and connecting with others.

2. Be a role model on how to connect and talk with others at home and in public. Use words like “I’m sorry,” “please,” and “thank you.”

3. Respond promptly and lovingly to your child’s physical, mental and emotional needs. Listen to your child when he/she wants to talk with. Ask your child how their day was and listen to the answer.

4. When your child is in a bad mood, give him/her a quick sign of affection like a hug that s/he responds to and then consider talking with him about the event when s/he’s feeling better.

6. Use non-violent forms of discipline. Parents should start using both rewards and restrictions many years before adolescence to help establish ways to encourage strengths and address concerns. Allowing children of any age to constantly break important rules without being disciplined only encourages more rule breaking.

7. Make plans to spend time alone with your young child doing something s/he enjoys. Encourage your child to be active by going on walks, bicycle riding, or playing ball with your them. Consider sending a Valentine’s Day card to your older child or teen. Think about making Valentine’s Day cards together with your preschool or younger school age child.

8. Create a family game night so the entire family can become involved and spend time together. Put each family member’s name under each date, and have that person choose which activity will be done that night.

9. Your child’s health is dependent on the care and support offered during his/her early years. By taking your child to the doctor regularly for well child or preventive health care visits, teaching him how to be safe from injuries, providing a healthy and nutritious diet, and encouraging good amounts of sleep, physical activity, and exercise throughout childhood, you help protect and strengthen his/her mind and body.

10. One of your most important aspect as a parent is to help your child develop their self-esteem. Your child needs your constant support and help to discover his strengths. He needs you to believe in him as he learns to believe in himself. Loving him, spending time with him, listening to him and celebrating lessons learned from his mistakes and successes are all part of this process.

Don’t forget to say “I love you” to children of all ages!

For more ways and tips on showing love to your child, Your Orange County Pediatric Surgeons at Pediatric Surgical Associates can discuss this with you and your child. Call 714-361-4480 or Contact us today for an appointment.

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