Check Out What You Need to Know About Precocious Puberty and How to Treat It

What to Know About Precocious Puberty in Orange County

Find out all about precocious puberty and how to treat it.

Part of the joy of being a parent is watching your child grow up. From infancy to childhood to adolescence, there are several stages through which your child grows and develops. However, sometimes, your child experiences puberty early. In some cases, your child is faced with precocious puberty. This condition occurs in both young boys and girls, where girls start puberty before age eight and boys start before age nine. Learn about precocious puberty in Orange County, and how to treat it.

What is precocious puberty?

Precocious puberty is a condition that causes kids to experience puberty much sooner than normal. Whether it’s caused by central or peripheral precocious puberty, these changes cause a child’s body to grow and develop much sooner than normal, which can lead to issues such as shortness and poor self-esteem. Additionally, it’s much more common in girls than it is in boys.

How do we treat precocious puberty?

When it comes to managing your child’s precocious puberty, there are medications that need to be prescribed. Most kids that suffer from precocious puberty are prescribed a Gn-RH analogue therapy that helps to slow the process of puberty. While some doctors offer injections, others offer an implant that helps to suppress hormone production. One such treatment is SUPPRELIN®. This prescription is administered once a year and delivers the necessary medication to keep early puberty in check. Regular doctor visits are required to check up on your child, to ensure that they stay healthy through the course of the medication. After a year, the implant will be removed, and you can discuss with your doctor whether to continue for another year.

Learn how to handle precocious puberty in Orange County. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our pediatric surgeons in Orange County are experts at protecting your kids’ health and wellness!

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