Avoid Early Mornings This Daylight Saving Time With These Tips

Use these tips to help your child adjust to the end of daylight saving time.

Daylight saving time ends on November 1st, which means it is almost time to turn your clocks back an hour. While you may be looking forward to your “extra” hour of sleep, if you have a small child, they may not be on the same page. Keep these tips in mind to help your little one adjust to the time change as smoothly as possible.

  • If your baby is a good sleeper and is able to adapt, you will most likely only have to deal with a couple “off” days right after the time change. Don’t worry about any issues early on, since your baby will most likely get right back into their normal sleeping habit soon.
  • If your baby is not an adaptable sleeper, try changing their sleeping schedule a couple of days before the time change. While it may disrupt your sleeping schedule a little in the beginning, it will help you enjoy a much more relaxed schedule when the time does change.
  • The best way to shift your child’s sleeping habits is to do so gradually. Gradual changes to their sleeping schedule will most likely not be a cause for any serious fussiness and they may not even notice. Event a 20 or 30-minute difference in the time that you put your baby to bed and when they wake up can make a huge difference when it comes time to change your clocks.

For more tips on how to adjust your entire family’s sleeping schedule to fit with the end of daylight saving time, contact Pediatric Surgical Associates in Orange County, California.

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