Caring for Your Child After Pectus Excavatum Surgery

Tips to help your son or daughter heal quickly at home.

There are two types of procedures for sunken chest: the Ravitch procedure (also known as open repair) and the Nuss procedure. As one might expect from the name, the Ravitch procedure is performed via an incision opening the chest. The Nuss procedure is performed through two small incisions under the arms and the aid of an endoscope. If your child has had either procedure performed, your home care can help him or her recover quickly!

Here are a few tips to help you and your son or daughter during the healing process:

  • Don’t worry about the stitches. They will dissolve with time.
  • Keep an eye on the incision site(s). If you notice any swelling or redness, call us. We can help keep the incision on the path to healing well.
  • Wait five days to take a shower.
  • Consider physical therapy. This can help your son or daughter maintain a strong posture.
  • Talk to your pediatric surgeon if your child plays sports. He will let you know when it’s okay to head back to practice.
  • Know that constipation, especially while using narcotics for pain management, is not uncommon. Be ready with laxatives.
  • If your child has a Pectus bar in place, invest in a medical alert bracelet or necklace to let medical professionals know in the event CPR or defibrillation is needed.


If you’d like to talk to a pediatric surgeon about what to expect after Ravitch or Nuss procedures, our dedicated team is here to help. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our pediatric surgeons in Orange County are experts at protecting your kids’ health and wellness!

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