Learn About How Important Sleep Is for Kids to Grow and Develop Properly

Learn About How Important Sleep Is for Kids to Grow and Develop Properly

Find out what you need to know about children and the sleep that they need.

It’s important that your child is getting the sleep that they need. Sleep is a vital element in the body’s ability to rest and repair itself. Not only is sleep important for adults so that they can function well, but it’s especially important for kids that need sleep so that their minds and bodies can grow and develop properly. Here’s what you need to know about kids and the importance of sleep.

Rest & Development.

When it comes to the growth and development of your child, it’s important that they get enough sleep. Kids need sleep so that they’re able to grow. Growth hormones that are responsible for helping your child develop area primarily released when your child is in deep sleep. Ensure that your kids get the sleep that they need to that they can grow to be big and strong.

Healthy Heart.

Sleep helps to promote heart health in your kids. Without enough sleep, the body is unable to regulate certain stress hormones properly. As a result, your kids run a higher risk for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Ensure that they get enough sleep so that they stay healthy.

Better Brain Function.

When kids don’t get enough rest, they tend to be hyperactive. They’re less likely to be able to focus. Getting enough sleep, however, can help your children to stay focused and help them better control their moods and emotions.

When it comes to your child’s health, it’s important that they get enough sleep. Ensure that you put your child’s well-being first when choosing the right pediatric surgeons. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our pediatric surgeons in Orange County are experts at protecting your kids’ health and wellness!

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