Get Involved! It’s National Blood Donor Month

National Blood Donor Month

January is National Blood Donor Month. Will you give back during this important time?

As the new year begins, you probably intend to make it one of your best years yet. What better way to do that than by getting involved with your community in a meaningful way? You can – and should – do that this January because it’s National Blood Donor Month!

The first month of the year has been recognized as National Blood Donor Month since 1970. It wasn’t just chosen at random; in January, fewer people give blood thanks to things like post-holiday busyness and flu season. Donations almost always dip in the winter, so it’s an important time for new and seasoned donors to get involved!

If you’ve never donated blood before, it can sound daunting. In fact, though, the process is extremely easy!

When you get to your blood donation appointment, the staff will walk you through registering. You’ll then complete a mini physical (it only takes about 10 minutes) and get in a comfortable chair. The sterile needle used for drawing your blood is relatively painless to insert; it just feels like a quick pinch! Donation usually takes about ten minutes if you’re giving a whole blood donation. Other types of donation – like platelets, plasma, or red cells – will take longer.

Once you’re done, you get to hang out for fifteen minutes as you enjoy free snacks and drinks. After this brief rest, you can go about the rest of your day! Blood donation is as easy as it is impact-making. Give back by signing up for a blood donation appointment today! The United Blood Services and American Red Cross both have ongoing blood drives for your convenience.

Thank you for considering getting involved in National Blood Donor Month this January! Your blood will help save lives. For more information, contact Pediatric Surgical Associates in Orange County, California. Our pediatric surgeons have the experience to vouch for the importance of giving back in this way this January. Also, don’t forget that we’re here for all of your children’s surgical needs!

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