All Natural Cold & Cough Remedies

Natural Cold Remedies Orange County CA

Relieve your symptoms with these natural methods!

A fever, sore throat, and cough are all tell tale signs of colds and flus. Ease your discomfort with these all natural cold and cough remedies.

Decongest with Salt Water

Salt has long been a great and safe way to kill bacteria. A saline spray helps to reduce your congestions and fight pathogens. Make your own saline spray to help clear your nasal passages. Combine ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon baking soda and eight ounces of warm water. Using a bulb syringe flush out your nasal passages with the solution. Be sure to squirt one nostril at a time, and cover the other nostril with a finger, applying a bit of pressure.

Sore Throat Gargle

Salt strikes again. A saltwater solution helps to sooth a sore throat. Combine a half teaspoon of salt and eight ounces of warm water, and gargle with the solution. Don’t want to use salt? You can also use a honey and apple cider vinegar solution.

Drink A Hot Beverage

Make yourself some tea. Drinking hot beverages helps open up your nasal passages and hydrate you. It also helps to sooth your inflamed mucus membranes. Plus, catechin in both black and green tea have been known to have antibiotic properties.

Steam Breaks Up Mucus

Steam is a great way to help easy congestion. Either hop in a hot shower or boil water on the stove and breathe in the steam.

Eat Germ Fighting Foods

From blueberries to onions, foods have all sorts of health benefits. When feeling under the weather, try eating certain foods to easy your symptoms. Onions have a chemical component that help to fight off infections. Chili peppers and horseradish help to break up mucus which helps to ease congestion. Cranberries help to fight off bladder and urinary tract infections, and blueberries contain a natural pain reliever that helps to reduce pain.

We hope these tips help keep you well throughout cold and flu season. If health issues have got you down, contact Pediatric Surgical Associates. Our Orange County pediatric surgeons are experts at protecting your kids’ health, and wellness!

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