Happy Mouth, Happy Smile. Oral Hygiene Tips for You & Yours

Oral Hygiene Tips For You & Yours

Keep your family’s oral health in check with these tips!

Healthy habits are important. Not only do they help to keep you in good shape, but your kids learn from your actions. When it comes to dental health, make sure to start your kids early. Check out these oral hygiene tips to keep your teeth and your family’s teeth healthy.

Start Good Habits Early.

Encourage your kids to practice good oral hygiene habits. Far too many children have signs of tooth decay before they start school. As soon as their first teeth come in make sure to start brushing, just be sure to use a very soft brush or damp cloth. Encourage your kids to brush at least two times per day.

Brush Regularly & Frequently.

Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, or even after every meal. Doing so can significantly reduce your risk for gum disease and tooth decay. Just be sure to change out your toothbrush every three to four months.

Remember to Floss.

Be sure to floss. When you eat, food particles get caught in your teeth that can later break down and cause tooth decay. These food particles can especially get caught in between your teeth which can’t be accessed by a toothbrush. That’s where flossing comes in. It can help prevent tooth decay in between your pearly whites.

Choose Your Food Wisely.

Be conscious of what you eat. Just like the rest of your body, your teeth need the right nutrients too. Be sure to eat healthful foods and reduce your consumption of sugary foods. Sugary foods can lead to cavities and put wear and tear on the enamel.

Get Regular Check-Ups.

Dentists typically have a bad reputation, but they’re there to help you. Regular visits to your dentist can help reduce your risk for all sorts of dental health issues. Plus, a cleaning every six months helps to deep clean your teeth, lowering your risk for cavities. They can help catch a disease like oral cancer early which can help you beat it sooner.

Be sure to keep your kid’s teeth healthy. Should your child need medical attention, contact Pediatric Surgical Associates. Our Orange County pediatric surgeons are experts at protecting your kids’ health, and wellness!

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