Protect Your Kids From Commonly Ingested Poisonous Substances with These Tips From Your Pediatric Surgeons in Orange County, CA

Pediatric Surgeons in Orange County, CA & Poisonous Substances

Protect your kids with these poison prevention and medical care tips from the expert pediatric surgeons in orange county.

Kids love to play. But, sometimes they get into things that they shouldn’t, and sometimes those things can be extremely dangerous. Daily, more than 300 kids are treated in the Emergency Room for ingesting poisonous substances. Make sure that you keep your children safe and protected with the right medical care like from the expert pediatric surgeons in orange county. Check out these poison prevention tips.

Out With The Old.

If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned out your garage or medicine cabinet, be sure to do so. If you have any poisonous substances that you no longer need, get rid of them. There’s not a reason to keep them around the house and put your child at risk. Toss what you don’t need.

Follow Directions.

It’s not just chemicals that can be toxic to your kids. Medicines can be harmful too. Be sure to always read the label to ensure you’re giving the proper dosage to your child.

Keep Items Under Lock & Key.

Ensure that your kids don’t have access to any toxic substances. Put safety locks on all cabinets and drawers that contain hazardous substances like cleaning supplies or nail polish. When you restrict access to these items, your child has a lessened risk of exposure to them.

Think Outside The Box.

It’s not just cleaning chemicals and car fluids that can be poisonous. Things that you may not consider to be poisonous could harmful to your kids. Be sure to take precautions for less common types of poisonous items. Get rid of any poisonous house plants and keep your perfumes out of reach.

Use “Mr. Yuck” Stickers.

Teach your children to leave certain substances alone. Adorn dangerous items with a “Mr. Yuck” sticker that indicates to children that a substance is bad and teach them what the sticker means.

Call For Help.

Sometimes accidents happen. If your child has ingested any poisonous substance, be sure to call for help. Contact the poison control center at 1-800-222-1222 or in the event of an emergency call 911.

Ensure that your child is protected with the right medical care. If you kids need surgery, entrust their care to the pediatric surgeons of Orange County, CA. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our Orange County pediatric surgeons are experts at protecting your kids’ health, and wellness!

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