How To: Stay Active Even in Cold, Wet Weather

Stay Active in Cold, Wet Weather

Don’t let the cold, wet weather keep you down! Use these tips to stay active this winter.

We’ve already seen the first rains of the winter, and experts are only predicting that there’s more to come. In fact, they say that El Niño is going to drop buckets of rainfall on Southern California this year. That’s good news for our drought, but not-so-good news for your workout plans. We want to help you and your kids stay active even in the cold, wet winter, so we’ve put together this winter workout tips!

  • Find ways to get moving inside. Walking around the mall or heading to the gym at your kids’ school is a great way to keep up with your aerobic activity even if the weather outside is frightful.
  • Make up indoor games to stay active without even having to leave the house. Build an obstacle course through your living room, have a jump rope contest, set a timer to see how quickly you can clean up the house, and look for other ways to get your heart rates up indoors.
  • When the rain does let up, take advantage of it. Plan to head to the local soccer field or baseball diamond at some point during the weekend, and have your stuff ready by the door. Once the sun peeks through the clouds, gather up your gear and your kids and head out. You’ll all play harder knowing you might have a limited time until the weather turns again, and beating the rain will be part of the fun!

We hope this guide helps you get moving in the coming months! If health issues in one of your children – not the cold – is keeping you from staying active, contact Pediatric Surgical Associates. Our Orange County pediatric surgeons are experts at protecting your kids’ health, and are here to help your family enjoy 2016 filled with wellness!

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