Be Prepared for Your Child’s Pediatric Surgery in Orange County, CA and Learn What to Expect After Surgery

What to Expect After Pediatric Surgery in Orange County, CA

Know what to expect after pediatric surgery in Orange County.

Surgery should not be taken lightly. It’s a serious medical procedure that requires adequate time to rest so that you can heal. After your child’s pediatric surgery in Orange County, it’s important to have the right expectations of post-op care and limitations. Check out what you need to know about handling your child’s care after surgery.

At the Hospital.

Before your child’s surgery, talk to your doctor about whether your child’s surgery is an inpatient or outpatient surgery. As an outpatient surgery, you’ll head home after surgery. An inpatient operation will require your child to stay in the hospital overnight. Be prepared for either situation. Additionally, ensure that your child follows any post-op instructions such as deep breathing to reduce the risk of contracting pneumonia.

Pain Management.

After surgery, it’s common for your child to experience a bit of pain and/or discomfort. However, this pain shouldn’t be excruciating. Keep a close eye on your child to monitor their pain level, as well as any signs of surgical complications like fever, wound swelling, redness, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any concerning symptoms, call your doctor right away and head to the emergency room.

Restricted Movement.

As a kid, not being about to play on the playground can be torture. However, limited movement is imperative after surgery. Too much movement and your child may face certain complications. Talk to your child and explain why they’re unable to go out and play. Follow all post-op care instructions so that your child can heal quickly and get back to the things they love to do.

Set the right expectations for your child after pediatric surgery in Orange County. Learn what to expect so that you’re able to keep your child safe and healthy. Contact the Pediatric Surgical Associates for all your pediatric surgical needs. Our pediatric surgeons in Orange County are experts at protecting your kids’ health and wellness!

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